WeeChat DevCenter

Script weeget.py, a script manager!

A new script weeget.py is now available. It is a scripts manager: you can install, remove, upgrade your scripts using command /weeget.

Following actions are available :

  • update local cache (list of scripts, which automatically expires after one hour by default),
  • show detailed info about scripts,
  • install scripts,
  • remove scripts,
  • upgrade all obsolete scripts,
  • check status of local scripts.

Weeget uses its own configuration file, called wg.conf.

You can setup some options with /set:

  • /set wg.color.installed color (default: yellow)
  • /set wg.color.language color (default: lightblue)
  • /set wg.color.obsolete color (default: lightmagenta)
  • /set wg.color.running color (default: lightgreen)
  • /set wg.color.script color (default: cyan)
  • /set wg.color.unknown color (default: lightred)
  • /set wg.scripts.cache_expire time (default: 60)
  • /set wg.scripts.dir directory (default: %h/weeget)
  • /set wg.scripts.url url (default: http://www.weechat.org/files/plugins.xml.gz)

Updated on 2012-09-29: since version 0.3.9, weeget.py has been replaced by a C plugin called "script" (command /script), see Scripts manager.

Screenshot: WeeChat weeget


1. On Tuesday, October 26 2010, 13:31 by she_dyed

Verrry slick! You're leaving all other clients in the 20th Century!