WeeChat DevCenter

Saturday, June 12 2021

IRC SASL SCRAM authentication

IRC SASL SCRAM authentication has been added in WeeChat 3.2, with 3 new mechanisms:

  • scram-sha-1: SASL SCRAM with SHA-1 digest algorithm,
  • scram-sha-256: SASL SCRAM with SHA-256 digest algorithm,
  • scram-sha-512: SASL SCRAM with SHA-512 digest algorithm.


Monday, August 24 2015

Hex dump in IRC raw buffer

Hex dump of IRC messages can now be displayed in raw buffer, this can be useful to debug problems with charsets or some special chars.

It is displayed if debug is set with a level >= 2 for the irc plugin, for example: /debug set irc 2.

Screenshot (click for full size):


Sunday, February 8 2015


The support of a new SASL mechanism called "ecdsa-nist256p-challenge" has been added three weeks ago.
This new mechanism uses a challenge with public/private key, so no password is required to connect.

Instructions to configure and use this mechanism are in user's guide: https://weechat.org/doc/devel/user/en/#irc_sasl_authentication.

Important notes:

  • GnuTLS ≥ 3.0.21 is required.
  • This mechanism can only be used on servers supporting it (for example servers using atheme, like freenode).

Sunday, February 17 2013

The IRC smart filter... even smarter!

A new option has been added for the IRC smart filter: irc.look.smart_filter_join_unmask, with default value 30 (in minutes).

IRC plugin will automatically unmask a filtered join of a nick, if he spoke within N minutes after the join (N being the value of new option irc.look.smart_filter_join_unmask). Moreover, nick changes are tracked, and will be unmasked with the join.

Events triggering the unmask of join are: a message (can be CTCP), a notice or an update of topic.

Tuesday, November 27 2012

Tags in IRC messages

Tags in IRC messages are now supported (in development version, planned for version 0.4.0), following this specification: http://ircv3.atheme.org/specification/message-tags-3.2.

The tag "time" is now read and is used to set the time for the message displayed.

The "znc" IRC bouncer is using this tag with the capability "znc.in/server-time-iso" (name should change in the next release). For example if you are using a server called "znc" in WeeChat, you can do:

/set irc.server.znc.capabilities "znc.in/server-time-iso"

Note: with znc 1.0, the server capability was "znc.in/server-time". With znc git > 1.0, the capability is "znc.in/server-time-iso".

Some info about capability "server-time": https://github.com/atheme/ircv3-specifications/blob/master/extensions/server-time-3.2.

Monday, November 8 2010

Redirection of IRC commands

It is now possible to redirect IRC commands to a callback, in plugins/scripts.

First you have to add a hsignal with callback, to receive command output. Then, add redirection by sending a hsignal, and send your command to IRC server. It will automatically use your redirection.

Each redirection uses a pattern, which defines start/stop/extra commands. Default patterns are: ison, list, mode_channel, mode_channel_ban, mode_channel_ban_exception, mode_channel_invite, mode_user, names, ping, time, topic, userhost, who, whois, whowas.

You can create your own pattern with signal "irc_redirect_pattern".

Examples of redirection and pattern creation are available in WeeChat devel doc.

Friday, February 19 2010

SASL authentication with IRC server

It is now possible to use SASL authentication with IRC server, using two mechanisms: "plain" (default) or "dh-blowfish" (crypted password).

New options have been added to servers:

  • sasl_mechanism: mechanism to use ("plain" or "dh-blowfish")
  • sasl_timeout: timeout (in seconds) for authentication
  • sasl_username: username
  • sasl_password: password

You just have to setup username (your nick) and password (password of nick) and then connect to server, you'll be identified with SASL if all is ok.

If you want to set "dh-blowfish" by default for all servers:

/set irc.server_default.sasl_mechanism dh-blowfish

Sunday, January 17 2010

New IRC output queue with high priority

A new IRC output queue has been added in irc plugin, with high priority. There are now two queues for messages sent to IRC server:

  • queue for user messages or commands, with high priority
  • queue for other messages, with low priority.

Low priority queue is used to send automatic messages, like replies to CTCP messages. So if you are spamed with CTCP messages, WeeChat will first send your messages (queue with high priority), and then CTCP replies (queue with low priority).

Accordingly, anti-flood option has been split into two options:

  • irc.network.anti_flood_prio_high: delay between two user messages/commands
  • irc.network.anti_flood_prio_low: delay between two other messages

Friday, January 8 2010

New IRC commands allchan and allserv

New commands have been added to IRC plugin: /allchan and /allserv.
These commands can execute a command on all buffer of all channels or all servers, with optional exclusion of some channels/servers.

Old commands /amsg and /ame are now replaced by aliases. If you're upgrading from recent version (>= 0.3.0), you have to manually create alias, see page with release notes.

Friday, January 1 2010

Target buffer for IRC messages

New options have been added to choose target buffer for IRC messages.

More info and examples in documentation: https://weechat.org/doc/devel/user#irc_target_buffer

Tuesday, September 15 2009

IRC CTCP replies

It is now possible to customize CTCP replies, or block some CTCP queries (do not reply).

For example, to customize reply to CTCP "VERSION", use following command:

/set irc.ctcp.version "I'm running WeeChat $version, it rocks!"

If you want to block CTCP "VERSION" (do not reply to a query), then set empty string:

/set irc.ctcp.version ""

Even unknown CTCP can be customized, for example you can reply to CTCP "BLABLA":

/set irc.ctcp.blabla "This is my answer to CTCP BLABLA"

It is possible to customize CTCP for one server only, using its internal name before CTCP name:

/set irc.ctcp.freenode.version "WeeChat $version (for freenode)"

If you want to restore standard CTCP reply, then remove option:

/unset irc.ctcp.version

Some codes are automatically expanded by WeeChat when replying to CTCP, please read documentation for more information (User's guide, chapter: Plugins / IRC plugin / CTCP replies).

Saturday, October 25 2008

Smart IRC join/part/quit message filter

A new smart filter for IRC join/part/quit message has been added. It is disabled by default (so you'll see all join/part/quit by default).

To enable it, use following commands:

/set irc.look.smart_filter on
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *

You can setup delay: /set irc.look.smart_filter_delay 5

How does it work?

When a nick spoke on channel during past X minutes (where X is delay irc.look.smart_filter_delay), its join/part/quit will be displayed by default. Otherwise, if nick did not speak for a long time, all join/part/quit messages will be tagged with "irc_smart_filter". So you have to define a filter on this tag to hide join/part/quit from users that are not speaking on channel (see command above).

Thursday, September 4 2008

Ignore command, reloaded!

The new /ignore command is now available. You can ignore nicks (or hostnames), using regex.

Note: this command will be improved in near future with more options.

Some exemples (you can find them with /help ignore):

  • ignore nick "toto" everywhere: /ignore add toto
  • ignore host "toto@domain.com" on freenode server: /ignore add toto@domain.com freenode
  • ignore host "toto*@*.domain.com" on freenode/#weechat: /ignore add toto*@*.domain.com freenode #weechat