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Tag - ctcp

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Sunday, January 17 2010

New IRC output queue with high priority

A new IRC output queue has been added in irc plugin, with high priority. There are now two queues for messages sent to IRC server:

  • queue for user messages or commands, with high priority
  • queue for other messages, with low priority.

Low priority queue is used to send automatic messages, like replies to CTCP messages. So if you are spamed with CTCP messages, WeeChat will first send your messages (queue with high priority), and then CTCP replies (queue with low priority).

Accordingly, anti-flood option has been split into two options:

  • irc.network.anti_flood_prio_high: delay between two user messages/commands
  • irc.network.anti_flood_prio_low: delay between two other messages

Tuesday, September 15 2009

IRC CTCP replies

It is now possible to customize CTCP replies, or block some CTCP queries (do not reply).

For example, to customize reply to CTCP "VERSION", use following command:

/set irc.ctcp.version "I'm running WeeChat $version, it rocks!"

If you want to block CTCP "VERSION" (do not reply to a query), then set empty string:

/set irc.ctcp.version ""

Even unknown CTCP can be customized, for example you can reply to CTCP "BLABLA":

/set irc.ctcp.blabla "This is my answer to CTCP BLABLA"

It is possible to customize CTCP for one server only, using its internal name before CTCP name:

/set irc.ctcp.freenode.version "WeeChat $version (for freenode)"

If you want to restore standard CTCP reply, then remove option:

/unset irc.ctcp.version

Some codes are automatically expanded by WeeChat when replying to CTCP, please read documentation for more information (User's guide, chapter: Plugins / IRC plugin / CTCP replies).