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Tuesday, August 14 2012

Scripts manager

A new scripts manager has been added, the plugin is called "script" and provides the /script command.

This plugin will replace two scripts: weeget.py (the current scripts manager) and script.pl (providing a /script command to load/unload/reload scripts for any language).

The new /script command is similar to command /weeget with some minor differences (see /help script for more info).

The plugin provides a buffer with list of scripts in repository, which makes installation or removal of scripts very fast: just press alt+i on this buffer, and the script is installed! Not satisfied with the script? Key alt+r and the script is gone!

The buffer allows you to search string in scripts (description, tags, ...) and to sort scripts with many keys. Columns displayed can be fully customized (order, columns displayed), as well as colors.

For list of options, just do: /set script.*

List of scripts (click for full size):

Script plugin: list of scripts

Detail of a script (click for full size): Script plugin: detail of a script


Wednesday, October 6 2010

New plugin rmodifier

A new plugin called "rmodifier" (for "Regex modifier") has been added.

It's designed to change some strings using regex, for example to hide passwords in commands (input displayed on screen) or in history. By default, password in following commands are hidden by this plugin:

  • /msg nickserv identify ****** (input and history)
  • /msg nickserv ghost ****** (input and history)
  • /oper nick ****** (input and history)
  • /set file.section.password ****** (history only)

Of course you can add your own regex, just look at /help rmodifier.

Updated on 2014-08-15: the plugin rmodifier has been replaced by trigger, introduced in version 1.0.

Friday, March 6 2009

New hook "process"

New hook type "process" has been added to WeeChat. You can use it in C plugins, and all scripts languages (perl, python, ruby, lua and tcl).

It runs a command with fork, and send you result (return code, stdout and stderr) via a callback, when command has ended, or if WeeChat output buffer is full (then it will be partial result of command). There is optional timeout (in milliseconds), to kill process if it's still running after given time.

The script shell.py has been updated to use that new hook.

Wednesday, November 26 2008

New plugin DC

A new plugin has been added: DC. It is used to transfer files using DC file-sharing protocol.

It's available as a separate plugin, and must be compiled and installed with WeeChat development version.
Documentation and screenshots are available on this wiki page: http://wiki.flashtux.org/wiki/WeeChat/dc

Friday, October 31 2008

New logger features

Logger plugin has been improved with many new features:

  • command /logger (to see log status for open buffers, and set/disable log level on a buffer)
  • custom level by buffer (or group of buffers)
  • custom log filename mask by buffer (or group of buffers).

Set one directory by IRC server and a file by channel inside:

Do that: /set logger.mask.irc irc/$server/$channel.weechatlog

You'll have a tree like that:

    |- logs/
        |- irc/
            |--- freenode/
            |       freenode.weechatlog
            |       #weechat.weechatlog
            |       #mychan.weechatlog
            |--- oftc/
            |       oftc.weechatlog
            |       #chan1.weechatlog
            |       #chan2.weechatlog

Log all messages on IRC buffers but not join/part/quit messages:

  • for all IRC buffers: /set logger.level.irc 3
  • for a server and its channels: /set logger.level.irc.freenode 3
  • for a specific channel: /set logger.level.irc.freenode.#weechat 3

Saturday, October 18 2008

Aspell plugin is born again

New aspell plugin is available!

Plugin as now its own configuration file, called aspell.conf. Options can be set with /set command. List of options with default value:

  • aspell.look.color = lightred
  • aspell.check.commands = "ame,amsg,away,command,cycle,kick,kickban,me,msg,notice,part,query,quit,topic"
  • aspell.check.default_dict = ""
  • aspell.check.word_min_length = 2

You can enable aspell for all buffers with default dictionary (or list of dictionaries), with command: /set aspell.check.default_dict "en,fr"

To enable a specific language on a buffer, use: /aspell enable fr
If you speak both english and german (often english, less german), use: /aspell enable en,de

Monday, October 6 2008

New plugin Tcl

A new plugin Tcl has been added (thanks to Dmitry Kobylin). Some minor changes will be done about compiling (with autotools and cmake), but plugin should be ok today as-is.

Script samples using new API, including Tcl language, will be published soon.

Thursday, September 4 2008

Ignore command, reloaded!

The new /ignore command is now available. You can ignore nicks (or hostnames), using regex.

Note: this command will be improved in near future with more options.

Some exemples (you can find them with /help ignore):

  • ignore nick "toto" everywhere: /ignore add toto
  • ignore host "toto@domain.com" on freenode server: /ignore add toto@domain.com freenode
  • ignore host "toto*@*.domain.com" on freenode/#weechat: /ignore add toto*@*.domain.com freenode #weechat

Tuesday, May 6 2008

Xfer plugin

A new "xfer" plugin has been added. It replaces old IRC DCC code.
This plugin is called by IRC plugin to initiate direct chat and file transfer (still by /dcc command). In future, it may be used by other plugins. Moreover, new protocols can be easily added to xfer plugin, if other plugins need that.