By Sébastien Helleu on Monday, May 16 2011, 19:30 - scripts - Permalink
A new script is now available. It displays contextual help on command line like:
- commands:
- list of commands if you type a non-complete command name, for example:
- help about command arguments if you type command (and optionally arguments), for example with
/server add
you'll see arguments for adding an IRC server
- list of commands if you type a non-complete command name, for example:
- options:
- list of options if you type a non-complete option name with command
, for example:/set weechat
- help about option if you type a complete or unique option name with command
, for example:/set weechat.look.command_chars
- list of options if you type a non-complete option name with command
Note: this script requires version 0.3.5 of WeeChat.
Screenshot (click for full size):