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Monday, July 26 2010

Script cron.py

A new script cron.py is now available. It can schedule jobs or message like system commands cron and at.

Two commands are provided by this script:

  • /cron: schedule job like system command 'cron'
  • /at: schedule job for only one execution, in near future, like system command 'at'.

You can get more help with /help cron and /help at.

You can setup some options with /set:

  • /set plugins.var.python.cron.auto_reload on/off (default: on)
  • /set plugins.var.python.cron.auto_save on/off (default: on)
  • /set plugins.var.python.cron.filename "path" (default: "%h/cron.txt")
  • /set plugins.var.python.cron.quiet_exec on/off (default: off)
  • /set plugins.var.python.cron.quiet_load on/off (default: off)
  • /set plugins.var.python.cron.quiet_save on/off (default: on)