SSL certificates
By Sébastien Helleu on Monday, December 7 2009, 07:32 - plugins - Permalink
New options have been added to check SSL certificates when connecting to IRC servers, thanks to kolter's patch:
- path to file with certificate authorities (by default: "%h/ssl/CAs.pem")
- ssl certificate file used to automatically identify your nick (CertFP on oftc for example, see below)
- replaces old option, new default value is 2048 (safer than old default value which was 512)
- check that the ssl connection is fully trusted (on by default)
Please note that ssl_verify is on by default, so verification is now stricter, and may fail even if it was ok with previous versions of WeeChat.
First example: connect to oftc and check certificate:
- import certificate:
- mkdir ~/.weechat/ssl
- wget -O ~/.weechat/ssl/CAs.pem
- in weechat:
- /connect oftc
Note: it is possible to concatenate many CAs in file CAs.pem.
Second example: connect to oftc using CertFP (certificate to auto identify your nick):
- create certificate:
- openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout nick.key -x509 -days 365 -out nick.cer
- cat nick.cer nick.key > ~/.weechat/ssl/nick.pem
- in weechat:
- /set irc.server.oftc.ssl_cert "%h/ssl/nick.pem"
- /connect oftc
- /msg nickserv cert add
For more information, please look at