Ubuntu repositories
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, May 3 2015, 17:12 - site - Permalink
Starting from today, 8 new chroots have been added for automatic builds of weechat-devel on Ubuntu (and some manual builds of stable version).
Here's the full list of repositories (amd64/i386 for Debian/Ubuntu, armhf for Raspbian):
- Debian sid (unstable): devel
- Debian stretch (testing): devel
- Debian jessie (stable): devel + 1.1.1
- Debian wheezy (oldstable): devel + 1.1.1
- Debian squeeze (oldoldstable): devel + 1.1.1
- Ubuntu vivid (15.04) (new): devel
- Ubuntu utopic (14.10) (new): devel + 1.1.1
- Ubuntu trusty (14.04) (new): devel + 1.1.1
- Ubuntu precise (12.04) (new): devel + 1.1.1
- Raspbian wheezy (oldstable): devel + 1.1.1
Repositories are visible on: https://weechat.org/download/debian/