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Tag - iset

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Monday, June 26 2017

Fset plugin

A new plugin called "fset" (Fast Set) has been added: a built-in and highly customizable replacement for the script iset.pl, with tons of new features!

It has the same features as iset.pl:

  • list options in a dedicated buffer
  • filter options by file, section, name, value or changed options
  • all colors can be customized
  • bar with help on currently selected option
  • different color for values changed
  • display of inherited values
  • keys and input to toggle, add/sub, set, reset and unset options
  • mouse actions on buffer.

And it comes with many new features:

  • flexible format using evaluated expression and automatic size for columns
  • options can be displayed on multiple lines
  • integrated with /set command, using conditions (option fset.look.conditioncatchset)
  • advanced filtering: by type, by changed value (filter on name or value), and using an evaluated condition
  • sort of options (fset.look.sort)
  • append to value
  • mark of options, group actions
  • export of options in a file.

Screenshot (click for full size):


Friday, December 25 2015

Inherited option values

Options can now have a parent option, and the value of option inherits from parent when it is null (if null is allowed).

For now, only IRC server options (irc.server.<name>.xxx) are inheriting from parent options (irc.server_default.<name>.xxx).

The command /set shows the inherited value (and the default inherited if the value is set to null). Script iset.pl has been updated as well (version 4.0 supports this feature, and is compatible with old WeeChat).

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Screenshot of this new feature (click for full size):
