Trigger plugin
By Sébastien Helleu on Monday, February 10 2014, 10:15 - plugins - Permalink
A new plugin called "trigger" has been added.
This plugin can hook many things:
- signal
- hsignal
- modifier
- command
- command_run
- timer
- config
- focus
When the callback is called, trigger can:
- check some conditions (to execute the trigger or not), which are evaluated (see
/help eval
) - replace some text using regular expression(s)
- execute command(s)
- have a custom return code.
Example of things you can do with trigger:
- notification, for example beep on highlight/private message (it can replace script or other scripts)
- hide passwords in commands/messages (it will replace rmodifier plugin)
- change content of messages displayed
- change things displayed (nicklist, ...) when terminal becomes small
- regularly save config files (with a timer)
- ...
Help is available with /help trigger
Some examples of triggers can be found on GitHub WeeChat wiki.
suppress messages from nick "nils_2" and "FlashCode" and print text "text cloaked" with color 238:
/trigger add shut_up modifier 2000|weechat_print "${tg_tags} =~ ,irc_privmsg,&&,nick_nils_2,|,nick_FlashCode," "/.*/${tg_prefix}\t${color:238}text cloaked"
execute an external command when nick "nils_2" joins channel "#weechat" on server "freenode".
Remember, you'll need the "" script to run an external command:
/trigger add jnotify signal *,irc_in_join "${server}.${channel}.${nick} =~ freenode.#weechat.nils_2" "" "/shell beep -f 400"
customise IRC Messages:
trigger will only darken the original join message:
/trigger add irc_join modifier 2000|weechat_print "${tg_tags} =~ ,irc_join," "/.*/${tg_prefix}\t${color:237}${tg_message_nocolor}"
trigger will customise join message. The message will look like this:
The person nils_2 with host (~nils_2@hostname) joined channel #weechat
/trigger add irc_join modifier 2000|weechat_print "${tg_tags} =~ ,irc_join," "/.*[^(](\(.*\)).*/${color:237}the person ${tg_tag_nick} with host $1 joined channel ${channel}/tg_message_nocolor /.*/${tg_prefix}\t${tg_message_nocolor}"
trigger will customise part message:
/trigger add irc_part modifier 2000|weechat_print "${tg_tags} =~ ,irc_part," "/.*[^(](\(.*\)).*\ (\(.*\))/${color:237}${tg_tag_nick} with host $1 part ${channel} with message $2/tg_message_nocolor /.*/${tg_prefix}\t${tg_message_nocolor}"
trigger will customise quit message:
/trigger add irc_quit modifier 2000|weechat_print "${tg_tags} =~ ,irc_quit," "/.*[^(](\(.*\)).*\ (\(.*\))/${color:237}${tg_tag_nick} with host $1 quit ${channel} with message $2/tg_message_nocolor /.*/${tg_prefix}\t${tg_message_nocolor}"
trigger will customise nick message. The message will look like this:
You are now known as nils_2, formerly knows as FlashCode
/trigger add irc_nick modifier 2000|weechat_print "${tg_tags} =~ ,irc_nick," "/.*irc_nick1_([^,]*),irc_nick2_([^,]*).*/You are now known as $2, formerly known as $1/tg_tags /.*/${tg_prefix}\t${tg_tags}"
Respond to message
When someone write irssi sucks, respond that they are wrong
/trigger add riposte signal *,irc_in2_PRIVMSG "${server}.${channel} =~ freenode.#weechat && ${message_without_tags} =~ irssi sucks" "" "/msg -server ${server} ${channel} You are wrong!"