Tag - release
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Saturday, July 14 2018
By Sébastien Helleu on Saturday, July 14 2018, 14:07 - core
Version 2.2 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
New major features in this release:
- add support of list options in curl
- allow merge of buffers by name in command /buffer
- add reverse of string in evaluation of expressions with "rev:"
- add indexed ban list and completion for /unban and /unquiet (IRC plugin)
- add support for IRCv3.2 Client Capability Negotiation
- add support for IRCv3.2 invite-notify
- add support for IRCv3.2 chghost, add options irc.look.smart_filter_chghost and irc.color.message_chghost
- add option xfer.network.send_ack
- add support of Python 3.7
- fix memory leaks scripting plugins
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- irc.color.message_chghost
- irc.look.smart_filter_chghost
- xfer.network.send_ack
Sunday, March 18 2018
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, March 18 2018, 08:39 - core
Version 2.1 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
New major features in this release:
- add a headless mode (new binary: "weechat-headless")
- add options "-newbuffer", "-free", "-switch" and "-y" in command /print (with support of buffers with free content)
- add option "add" in command /buffer
- add option weechat.completion.partial_completion_templates to force partial completion on specific templates
- add IRC server option "split_msg_max_length"
- add option logger.file.fsync
- add option logger.look.backlog_conditions
- add configuration file for each script plugin ("python.conf", "perl.conf", ...)
- add "eval" option in script commands and info "xxx_eval" (python, perl, ruby, lua and guile)
- add infos "xxx_interpreter" and "xxx_version" in script plugins
- add option "version" in script commands
- display the script name in stdout/stderr output from scripts
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- python.look.check_license
- python.look.eval_keep_context
- perl.look.check_license
- perl.look.eval_keep_context
- ruby.look.check_license
- ruby.look.eval_keep_context
- lua.look.check_license
- lua.look.eval_keep_context
- tcl.look.check_license
- tcl.look.eval_keep_context
- guile.look.check_license
- guile.look.eval_keep_context
- javascript.look.check_license
- javascript.look.eval_keep_context
- php.look.check_license
- php.look.eval_keep_context
- irc.server_default.split_msg_max_length
- logger.file.fsync
- logger.look.backlog_conditions
- weechat.completion.partial_completion_templates
Wednesday, December 20 2017
By Sébastien Helleu on Wednesday, December 20 2017, 22:51 - core
Version 2.0.1 is available, it fixes a Python API bug in functions hook_fd
and hook_connect
Sunday, December 3 2017
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, December 3 2017, 13:11 - core
Version 2.0 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
New major features in this release:
- new plugin "fset" (fast set of WeeChat and plugins options)
- new plugin "php" (support of PHP scripts)
- add option buflist.look.add_newline
- add two new bar items "buflist2" and "buflist3" using the same format configuration options
- add flag "input_get_empty" in buffer
- add signals "buffer_filters_enabled" and "buffer_filters_disabled"
- support loading of plugins from path in environment variable "WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR"
- add infolist "alias_default" (list of default aliases)
- make value optional in command /buffer set
- allow floating point and hexadecimal numbers in comparison of evaluated values
- add option weechat.look.save_config_with_fsync
- add support of prefix "quiet:" in function key_unbind() to quietly remove keys
- add argument "recurse_subdirs" in function exec_on_files()
- add local variable "filter" in the script buffer
- remove recursive evaluation of extra variables in buflist
- change type of arguments status/gnutls_rc/sock in hook_connect() callback from string to integer (in scripting API)
- change type of argument fd in hook_fd() callback from string to integer (in scripting API)
- fix display bugs with filtered lines
- fix display of nicks in nicklist when they are in a group with sub-groups
- call the config hook when options are renamed or removed
- fix parsing of CAP command in relay/irc
- many bugs fixed.
New configuration files:
New options:
- buflist.look.add_newline
- plugins.var.php.check_license
- weechat.look.save_config_with_fsync
New keys:
- in mouse context:
- left button on fset buffer: change current line
- right button on fset buffer: toggle boolean or edit value
- right button + drag & drop left/right: change value
- right button + drag & drop up/down: mark/unmark options
Saturday, September 23 2017
By Sébastien Helleu on Saturday, September 23 2017, 15:48 - core
Version 1.9.1 is available, it fixes a security vulnerability: a crash can happen in logger plugin when converting date/time specifiers in file mask. Two other bugs are fixed as well in buflist and relay plugins.
Upgrade is recommended for all users.
Sunday, June 25 2017
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, June 25 2017, 12:15 - core
Version 1.9 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
New major features in this release:
- improve speed of nicklist bar item callback
- add auto scroll of buflist bar with new option buflist.look.auto_scroll
- add option buflist.format.name
- add variables
, ${current_buffer}
and ${merged}
in buflist
- display a warning in buflist when the script buffers.pl is loaded
- add server/channel pointers in trigger IRC callbacks
- add API functions config_option_get_string and hdata_compare
- fix bind of Space key
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- buflist.format.name
- buflist.look.auto_scroll
New keys:
- F1/F2: scroll buflist bar
Saturday, May 13 2017
By Sébastien Helleu on Saturday, May 13 2017, 07:32 - core
Version 1.8 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add option weechat.completion.nick_case_sensitive
- add wilcard matching operator, cut of string and ternary operator in evaluation of expressions
- add resize of window parents with /window resize (h/v)size
- add plugin "buflist" (bar with list of buffers)
- add arraylist and dynamic string functions in API
- add option "open" in command /server
- add signal "irc_server_lag_changed" and store the lag in the server buffer (local variable)
- add aspell options to control delimiters in suggestions
- add option "-include" in commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- aspell.color.suggestion_delimiter_dict
- aspell.color.suggestion_delimiter_word
- aspell.look.suggestion_delimiter_dict
- aspell.look.suggestion_delimiter_word
- weechat.completion.nick_case_sensitive
Options changed:
- option aspell.color.suggestions renamed to aspell.color.suggestion
Options removed:
- script.scripts.url_force_https (now the option script.scripts.url uses HTTPS by default)
New keys:
- in mouse context:
- control key + wheel on buflist bar: change current buffer
- mouse buttons on buflist bar: change current buffer or move buffers in list
Saturday, April 22 2017
By Sébastien Helleu on Saturday, April 22 2017, 17:18 - core
Version 1.7.1 is available, it fixes a security problem: a crash can happen in IRC plugin when parsing the filename received via DCC.
Upgrade is recommended for all users.
Sunday, January 15 2017
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, January 15 2017, 08:16 - core
Version 1.7 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add option weechat.look.align_multiline_words
- add option "time" in command /debug
- add infos "uptime" and "pid"
- add optional arguments in completion template
- add irc server option "usermode"
- add tag "self_msg" on self messages
- add configuration file fifo.conf for fifo plugin
- add option "-oc" in command /exec
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- fifo.file.enabled
- fifo.file.path
- irc.server_default.usermode (and same option in servers)
- weechat.look.align_multiline_words
Options changed:
- option plugins.var.fifo.fifo renamed to fifo.file.enabled (type changed from string to boolean)
Sunday, October 2 2016
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, October 2 2016, 10:49 - core
Version 1.6 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add optional argument "lowest", "highest" or level mask in command /input hotlist_clear
- add option "cycle" in command /buffer
- add "extra" argument to evaluate extra variables in function string_eval_expression()
- add option relay.network.allow_empty_password
- add support for one-time triggers
- rename server options "default_msg_{kick|part|quit}" to "msg_{kick|part|quit}", evaluate them
- allow escape of comma in command "init" (weechat relay protocol)
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- relay.network.allow_empty_password
- option "post_action" in each trigger
Options changed:
- server options "default_msg_{kick|part|quit}" renamed to "msg_{kick|part|quit}"
Sunday, May 1 2016
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, May 1 2016, 13:26 - core
Version 1.5 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add support of functions in API function "hook_process"
- move of nick coloring options from irc plugin to core
- move irc bar item "away" to core
- add pointer in callbacks used in scripting API
- add option irc.network.sasl_fail_unavailable
- add Portuguese translations
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- irc.network.sasl_fail_unavailable
Options changed:
- irc.look.nick_color_force moved to weechat.look.nick_color_force
- irc.look.nick_color_hash moved to weechat.look.nick_color_hash
- irc.look.nick_color_stop_chars moved to weechat.look.nick_color_stop_chars
- irc.look.item_away_message moved to weechat.look.item_away_message
- irc.color.item_away moved to weechat.color.item_away
Sunday, January 10 2016
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, January 10 2016, 10:10 - core
Version 1.4 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add a parent name in options, display inherited values if null in
- add option weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline
- add
- track real names using extended-join and WHO (IRC)
- add support of SNI (Server Name Indication) in SSL connection to IRC server
- add support of IRC "cap-notify" capability
- add IRC command /cap
- add hex dump of messages in raw buffer when debug is enabled for irc plugin
- add option relay.irc.backlog_since_last_message
- add option script.scripts.download_timeout
- add scripts to build Debian packages
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- relay.irc.backlog_since_last_message
- script.scripts.download_timeout
- weechat.color.chat_value_null
- weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline
Options changed:
- irc.network.alternate_nick moved into IRC servers (irc.server.xxx.nicks_alternate)
Sunday, August 16 2015
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, August 16 2015, 09:07 - core
Version 1.3 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- keep scroll after interactive search in buffer
- add optional confirmation on /upgrade
- add signal "signal_sighup"
- add IRC options irc.color.topic_current, irc.network.channel_encode
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- irc.color.topic_current
- irc.network.channel_encode
- weechat.look.confirm_upgrade
- weechat.look.key_grab_delay
Options changed:
- script.scripts.dir renamed to script.scripts.path
Keys changed:
- in search context (Ctrl+R):
- Ctrl+R: search text/regex here (at scroll position)
- Ctrl+J / Ctrl+M / Enter: stop search here (at scroll position)
- Ctrl+Q: stop search and scroll to bottom of buffer
Sunday, May 10 2015
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, May 10 2015, 10:19 - core
Version 1.2 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add options to customize word chars (for detecting word boundaries)
- add a welcome message on first WeeChat run
- add options to customize quoted messages (in cursor mode)
- add support of environment variables in evaluated expressions
- add support of IRC SASL mechanism "ecdsa-nist256p-challenge"
- add support of SHA-256 and SHA-512 algorithms in IRC server option "ssl_fingerprint"
- add support of IRC capability "account-notify"
- remove "freenode" server from default config
- new script plugin for javascript
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- irc.server_default.sasl_key (and same option in servers)
- plugins.var.javascript.check_license
- weechat.look.quote_nick_prefix
- weechat.look.quote_nick_suffix
- weechat.look.quote_time_format
- weechat.look.word_chars_highlight
- weechat.look.word_chars_input
Sunday, January 25 2015
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, January 25 2015, 09:11 - core
Version 1.1.1 is available!
This is a bug fix and maintenance release, see ChangeLog for detail.
Sunday, January 11 2015
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, January 11 2015, 11:16 - core
Version 1.1 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- complete inline commands in input
- allow incomplete commands if unambiguous
- improve speed of completions
- add bar item and signals for mouse status
- use bar conditions on root bars
- add option "reorder" in command /server
- open irc channel buffers before the join is received from server
- add server option "sasl_fail"
- add support for color codes 16-99 in IRC messages
- disable SSLv3 by default
- add support of IRC capability "extended-join"
- add options "stop" and "start" in command /relay
- use HTTPS by default in script plugin for downloads
- add option "restore" in command /trigger
- evaluate and replace regex groups at same time in trigger (new and incompatible format)
- many bugs fixed.
New options:
- irc.look.buffer_open_before_autojoin
- irc.look.buffer_open_before_join
- irc.look.temporary_servers
- irc.server_default.sasl_fail
- relay.network.ssl_priorities
- script.scripts.url_force_https
- weechat.look.command_incomplete
- weechat.look.item_mouse_status
- weechat.color.status_mouse
- weechat.completion.command_inline
Sunday, September 28 2014
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, September 28 2014, 09:41 - core
Version 1.0.1 is available!
This is a bug fix and maintenance release, see ChangeLog for detail.
Friday, August 15 2014
By Sébastien Helleu on Friday, August 15 2014, 12:41 - core
Yay, version 1.0 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- plugin "trigger": Swiss Army knife for WeeChat (replaces "rmodifier" plugin) (see this post)
- plugin "exec": execute external commands (replaces script "shell.py") (see this post)
- bare display: easy click on long URLs and text selection with mouse (see this post)
- support of environment variables in /set command
- hidden buffers
- negated tags in filters
- toggle of filters in specific buffers
- flexible conditions for adding/removing buffers in hotlist
- text search in buffers with free content
- support of wildcard "*" inside masks
- support of nested variables in evaluated expressions
- tag with host in IRC messages displayed
- support of "away-notify" IRC capability
- IRC commands: /allpv, /remove, /unquiet
- bar items: buffer_short_name, irc_nick_modes
- unit tests
New options:
- irc.color.item_nick_modes
- irc.look.join_auto_add_chantype
- relay.network.clients_purge_delay
- weechat.color.status_nicklist_count
- weechat.look.bare_display_exit_on_input
- weechat.look.bare_display_time_format
- weechat.look.hotlist_add_conditions (replaces weechat.look.hotlist_add_buffer_if_away)
- weechat.look.hotlist_remove
Options changed:
- irc.look.item_channel_modes_hide_key renamed to irc.look.item_channel_modes_hide_args
New keys:
- Alt+"-": toggle filters in current buffer
- Alt+l (L): bare display
- Alt+j, Alt+f: jump to first buffer
Sunday, February 9 2014
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, February 9 2014, 10:59 - core
Version 0.4.3 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- new command /print
- logical and/or for tags in /filter and hook_print
- gaps in buffer numbers (see this post)
- support of italic text
- new options to customize default text search in buffers
- use of IRC monitor command for /notify (if available on server)
- new IRC server option "ssl_fingerprint"
- new option to smart-filter IRC mode messages
- new option for default IRC ban mask
- support of IPv6 for DCC chat/file (see this post)
- auto check CRC32 of files received with DCC (see this post)
New options:
- irc.look.notice_welcome_tags
- irc.look.smart_filter_mode
- irc.network.ban_mask_default
- irc.network.lag_max
- irc.server.xxx.default_msg_kick
- irc.server.xxx.ssl_fingerprint
- weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber
- weechat.look.buffer_position
- weechat.look.buffer_search_case_sensitive
- weechat.look.buffer_search_force_default
- weechat.look.buffer_search_regex
- weechat.look.buffer_search_where
- weechat.look.item_buffer_zoom
- weechat.look.tab_width
- weechat.look.window_auto_zoom
- xfer.file.auto_check_crc32
Options changed:
- irc.look.highlight_tags renamed to irc.look.highlight_tags_restrict
- weechat.look.set_title renamed to weechat.look.window_title
New keys:
- Ctrl+C, v: reverse video (replaces Ctrl+C, r)
- Ctrl+C, "_": underlined text (replaces Ctrl+C, u)
Sunday, October 6 2013
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, October 6 2013, 09:54 - core
Version 0.4.2 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- rename binary from "weechat-curses" to "weechat" (with symbolic link "weechat-curses" for compatibility) (see this post)
- add secured data (encryption of passwords or private data), new command /secure, new file sec.conf (see this post)
- search of regular expression in buffer with text emphasis, in prefixes, messages or both (see this post)
- add option "scroll_beyond_end" for command /window
- add optional buffer context in bar items (for example to display bitlbee nicklist in a root bar)
- new options weechat.look.hotlist_{prefix|suffix}
- new option weechat.look.key_bind_safe to prevent any key binding error from user
- new option weechat.network.proxy_curl to use a proxy when downloading URLs with curl
- display day change message dynamically
- support of wildcards in IRC commands (de)op/halfop/voice
- new option irc.look.notice_welcome_redirect to redirect channel welcome notices to the channel buffer
- new option irc.look.nick_color_hash: new hash algorithm to find nick colors (variant of djb2)
- add info about things defined by a script in the detailed view of script (/script show)
- support of enchant library in aspell plugin
New options:
- aspell.color.suggestions
- irc.look.nick_color_hash
- irc.look.notice_welcome_redirect
- irc.look.pv_tags
- sec.crypt.cipher
- sec.crypt.hash_algo
- sec.crypt.passphrase_file
- sec.crypt.salt
- weechat.color.chat_day_change
- weechat.color.emphasized
- weechat.color.emphasized_bg
- weechat.look.emphasized_attributes
- weechat.look.hotlist_prefix
- weechat.look.hotlist_suffix
- weechat.look.key_bind_safe
- weechat.network.proxy_curl
- xfer.look.pv_tags
Options changed:
- aspell.look.color renamed to aspell.color.misspelled
- weechat.look.day_change_time_format split into two options: weechat.look.day_change_message_1date and weechat.look.day_change_message_2dates
New keys:
- in search context (Ctrl+R):
- Ctrl+I (tab): search in prefixes, messages or both
- Ctrl+R: search text/regex
- Alt+c: case (in)sensitive search
Monday, May 20 2013
By Sébastien Helleu on Monday, May 20 2013, 12:39 - core
Version 0.4.1 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- multiple layouts support (see this post)
- nick prefix/suffix are now dynamic (and managed by core instead of irc plugin) (see this post)
- unmask irc join if nick speaks some minutes after the join (see this post)
- new option irc.look.display_join_message to disable some messages after joining a channel
- new option irc.look.pv_buffer to automatically merge private buffers
- add support of UHNAMES
- add DH-AES encryption method for SASL
- multiple irc servers allowed on same port for irc protocol in relay plugin
- add WebSocket server support (RFC 6455) in relay plugin (for irc and weechat protocols) (see this post)
- send nicklist diff in relay plugin (weechat protocol)
- add control of autoload for scripts
- optimizations in aspell plugin
New options:
- irc.look.display_join_message
- irc.look.nicks_hide_password (old option: irc.look.hide_nickserv_pwd)
- irc.look.pv_buffer
- irc.look.smart_filter_join_unmask
- irc.network.lag_reconnect (old option: irc.network.lag_disconnect)
- logger.file.nick_prefix
- logger.file.nick_suffix
- relay.network.websocket_allowed_origins
- script.scripts.autoload
- weechat.color.chat_nick_prefix
- weechat.color.chat_nick_suffix
- weechat.look.nick_prefix
- weechat.look.nick_suffix
- weechat.look.prefix_align_more_after
- weechat.look.prefix_buffer_align_more_after
- xfer.file.auto_accept_nicks
Sunday, January 20 2013
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, January 20 2013, 11:36 - core
Version 0.4.0 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add option "diff" for command /set, display default values in output of /set
- add color support in prefix options
- add command /eval, use expression in conditions for bars
- connect by default with IPv6 to servers with fallback to IPv4
- add aspell suggestions
- add support of tags in irc messages and "server-time" capability (see this post)
- add irc command /quiet
- add support of IPv6 in relay plugin
- add backlog for irc protocol in relay plugin (see this post)
- display remote IP address for DCC chat/file in xfer plugin
- add git version in build (see this post)
New options:
- aspell.check.suggestions
- irc.network.alternate_nick
- irc.network.whois_double_nick
- relay.network.ipv6
- relay.irc.backlog_minutes
- relay.irc.backlog_max_number
- relay.irc.backlog_since_last_disconnect
- relay.irc.backlog_tags
- relay.irc.backlog_time_format
Sunday, November 18 2012
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, November 18 2012, 14:09 - core
Version is available, it fixes a security problem: untrusted command for function hook_process could lead to execution of commands, because of shell expansions.
Upgrade is highly recommended for all users.
Friday, November 9 2012
By Sébastien Helleu on Friday, November 9 2012, 19:55 - core
Version is available, it fixes a security problem (buffer overflow when decoding IRC colors in strings).
Upgrade is recommended for all users.
Saturday, September 29 2012
By Sébastien Helleu on Saturday, September 29 2012, 10:30 - core
Version 0.3.9 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add plugin "script" (replacement of weeget.py and script.pl) (see this post)
- add support of SSL in relay plugin (see this post)
- add color for offline nicks
- add system resource limits for WeeChat process
- add zoom on merged buffer (default key: alt+"x")
- add "Day changed to" in logger backlog
- add command line option "-r" (or "--run-command") to run command(s) after startup of WeeChat
- add option "swap" for command
- generate alternate IRC nicks dynamically (when all nicks are already in use)
- fix rejoin of password protected IRC channels
- fix freeze in irc and relay plugins with sockets
- fix color of long lines (displayed on more than one line on screen) under FreeBSD
- allow update for some variables of hdata
- add japanese user's guide, scripting guide and tester's guide
New options:
- weechat.startup.sys_rlimit
- weechat.look.jump_smart_back_to_buffer
- weechat.look.window_separator_horizontal
- weechat.look.window_separator_vertical
- weechat.look.color_nick_offline
- weechat.color.chat_nick_offline_highlight
- weechat.color.chat_nick_offline_highlight_bg
- aspell.check.enabled
- irc.look.ctcp_time_format
- relay.network.ssl_cert_key
- relay.color.client
Options changed:
- weechat.look.nickmode renamed as irc.look.nick_mode (new type: integer with values: none/prefix/action/both)
- weechat.look.nickmode_empty renamed as irc.look.nick_mode_empty
Options removed:
- irc.look.item_channel_modes
New keys:
- meta-x = "/input zoom_merged_buffer" (zoom on merged buffer)
- meta-s = "/mute aspell toggle" (toggle aspell)
Note: to add missing keys, you can use command /key missing
Sunday, June 3 2012
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, June 3 2012, 09:42 - core
Version 0.3.8 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- add terminal "bracketed paste mode" (see this post)
- add IRC "external" SASL mechanism
- improve parsing of IRC channel modes (do not send extra command "MODE" to server)
- follow symbolic links for configuration files (*.conf)
- new option weechat.look.prefix_same_nick (hide same prefix for multiple consecutive messages from same nick)
- add colors for backlog lines
- redirect IRC messages from clients to hide output (relay plugin, IRC protocol)
- add a connection timeout for child process in hook_connect
- fix display bugs and crashs with small windows
- fix truncated configuration files (zero-length) after system crash
New options:
- logger.color.backlog_line
- logger.color.backlog_end
- weechat.look.paste_bracketed
- weechat.look.paste_bracketed_timer_delay
- weechat.look.prefix_same_nick
- weechat.network.connection_timeout
Options changed:
- weechat.look.prefix_align_more (from boolean to string)
- weechat.look.prefix_buffer_align_more (from boolean to string)
New keys:
- meta2-200~ = "/input paste_start" (start of bracketed paste)
- meta2-201~ = "/input paste_stop" (end of bracketed paste)
Note: to add missing keys, you can use command /key missing
Sunday, February 26 2012
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, February 26 2012, 08:53 - core
Version 0.3.7 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- support of Scheme scripts (new plugin "guile") (see this post)
- support of Python 3.x (but version 2.x still recommended) (see this post)
- add "weechat" protocol in relay plugin for remote interfaces, like QWeeChat (see this post)
- new option irc.color.mirc_remap to remap mirc colors in irc messages
- new options irc.look.highlight_{server|channel|pv} to customize or disable default nick highlight
- new option "capabilities" in irc servers (to enable some client capabilities on connection)
- new option weechat.history.max_buffer_lines_minutes to limit buffer history by time
- use extended regex in /filter, /ignore and /list
- add support of flags in regular expressions and highlight options
- add URL transfer in plugin API (with hook_process) (see this post)
- add translations in japanese
- add doc for relay protocol
- add developer's guide
New options:
- irc.look.highlight_server
- irc.look.highlight_channel
- irc.look.highlight_pv
- irc.look.mirc_remap
- irc.server.xxx.capabilities
- relay.network.allowed_ips
- relay.network.compression_level
- weechat.look.scroll_bottom_after_switch
- weechat.completion.base_word_until_cursor
- weechat.history.max_buffer_lines_minutes
- weechat.history.max_buffer_lines_number (old name was weechat.history.max_lines)
New default alias:
New keys:
- alt + "/": jump to last buffer displayed (
/input jump_last_buffer_displayed
Note: to add missing keys, you can use command /key missing
Saturday, October 22 2011
By Sébastien Helleu on Saturday, October 22 2011, 11:11 - core
Version 0.3.6 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- mouse support (see this post)
- cursor mode (free movement of cursor on screen)
- contexts for keys (default, search, cursor, mouse)
- hdata in API (direct access to WeeChat data)
- "inactive" colors for inactive windows and lines in merged buffers (see this post)
- support of merged buffers in /layout, save layout of buffers/windows on /upgrade (see this post)
- horizontal scrolling in buffers with free content
- split of outgoing IRC messages
- options for "more" chars in bars
- bold not used any more for basic colors (if terminal has more than 16 colors)
- automatic zoom on current window when terminal becomes too small for windows
- new command /repeat
- local variable "highlight_regex" in buffers
New options:
- weechat.look.bar_more_down
- weechat.look.bar_more_left
- weechat.look.bar_more_right
- weechat.look.bar_more_up
- weechat.look.color_basic_force_bold
- weechat.look.color_inactive_buffer
- weechat.look.color_inactive_message
- weechat.look.color_inactive_prefix
- weechat.look.color_inactive_prefix_buffer
- weechat.look.color_inactive_time
- weechat.look.color_inactive_window
- weechat.look.eat_newline_glitch
- weechat.look.item_buffer_filter
- weechat.look.mouse
- weechat.look.mouse_timer_delay
- weechat.look.separator_horizontal
- weechat.look.separator_vertical
- weechat.color.chat_inactive_buffer
- weechat.color.chat_inactive_window
- weechat.color.chat_prefix_buffer_inactive_buffer
- weechat.color.chat_tags
- logger.file.flush_delay
New keys:
- alt + "m": toggle mouse (
/mouse toggle
New keys have been added for context "cursor" and "mouse", please see documentation.
Note: to add missing keys, you can use command /key missing
Sunday, May 15 2011
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, May 15 2011, 09:45 - core
Version 0.3.5 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- 256 colors support improved (dynamic allocation of colors) (see this post)
- attributes for colors (bold/reverse/underline) (see this post)
- better scroll of input (with long text)
- output of /help improved for list of commands and their arguments (see this post)
- remember scroll position of buffers in windows
- list of buffers in filters (see this post)
- count of messages in hotlist buffers (see this post)
- swap buffers of windows
- balance of windows
- new API function to set help on plugin/script options
- speller options in aspell plugin (see this post)
- option for SSL priorities in IRC servers
- color nicks in nicklist and output of /names
New options:
- weechat.look.hotlist_add_buffer_if_away
- weechat.look.hotlist_buffer_separator
- weechat.look.hotlist_count_max
- weechat.look.hotlist_count_min_msg
- weechat.color.status_count_msg
- weechat.color.status_count_private
- weechat.color.status_count_highlight
- weechat.color.status_count_other
- weechat.look.highlight_tags
- weechat.look.read_marker_string
- weechat.look.input_cursor_scroll
- weechat.look.color_pairs_auto_reset
- irc.color.topic_old
- irc.color.topic_new
- irc.color.nick_prefixes
- irc.look.buffer_switch_autojoin
- irc.look.buffer_switch_join
- irc.look.smart_filter_nick
- irc.look.color_nicks_in_nicklist
- irc.look.color_nicks_in_names
New keys:
- alt + "w", alt + "b": balance the sizes of all windows (
/window balance
- alt + "w", alt + "s": swap buffers of two windows (
/window swap
Note: to add missing keys, you can use command /key missing
Sunday, January 16 2011
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, January 16 2011, 10:36 - core
Version 0.3.4 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- 256 colors support, with unlimited number of nick colors (see this post)
- irc proxy (relay plugin)
- redirection of IRC commands (see this post)
- new irc command
- rmodifier plugin (see this post)
- regular expressions for highlights
- color support for timestamp in chat buffer (see this post)
- irc option to force color for some nicks
- share input line between buffers
New options:
- weechat.color.chat_nick_colors
- weechat.look.highlight_regex
- weechat.look.hotlist_unique_numbers
- weechat.look.input_share
- weechat.look.input_share_overwrite
- weechat.look.prefix_align_min
- irc.look.notify_tags_ison
- irc.look.notify_tags_whois
- irc.network.notify_check_ison
- irc.network.notify_check_whois
- option "notify" in irc servers
- irc.look.nick_color_force
- irc.look.item_away_message
- irc.color.nick_prefix
- irc.color.nick_suffix
Saturday, August 7 2010
By Sébastien Helleu on Saturday, August 7 2010, 10:11 - core
Version 0.3.3 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
New major features in this release:
- keys to undo/redo changes on command line
- better lag indicator
- new irc command
- display message in irc private buffer when nick is back on server after a
- reverse regex in a filter (with leading "!")
- new option to confirm /quit
- new option to align end of lines
- hashtables in plugin API
New options:
- weechat.look.align_end_of_lines
- weechat.look.confirm_quit
- weechat.look.input_undo_max
- weechat.color.status_name_ssl
- irc.look.display_host_join
- irc.look.display_host_join_local
- irc.look.display_host_quit
- irc.look.display_pv_back
- irc.look.nick_color_stop_chars
- irc.network.autoreconnect_delay_growing
- irc.network.autoreconnect_delay_max
- irc.color.item_lag_counting
- irc.color.item_lag_finished
- irc.color.reason_quit
New keys:
- ctrl + "_": undo (command line)
- alt + "_" (or ctrl + ":" under putty): redo (command line)
Note: to add missing keys, you can use command /key missing
Sunday, April 18 2010
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, April 18 2010, 13:48 - core
Version 0.3.2 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
Sunday, January 31 2010
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, January 31 2010, 12:00 - core
Version is available!
This version fixes crashes with SSL connection and purge of old DCC chats. It is recommended to upgrade from 0.3.1 to for all users.
Saturday, January 23 2010
By Sébastien Helleu on Saturday, January 23 2010, 14:00 - core
Version 0.3.1 is available!
As usual, many new features and bug fixes, see ChangeLog for detail.
Important: please read the release notes if you are upgrading to this version (from any other version).
Sunday, September 6 2009
By Sébastien Helleu on Sunday, September 6 2009, 12:00 - core
Version 0.3.0 is released, after 2 years of work and more than 1000 commits!
This is a major upgrade since last stable, please read files UPGRADE_0.3 and ChangeLog for list of changes: configuration files and plugin API are not compatible with previous versions.
For this important release, site has moved to weechat.org, with a new look!
Enjoy WeeChat!